Picture framing is a time-honored profession, as well as a popular hobby. Decorating the walls with framed pictures is such an essential part of home decor that rooms usually look bare and deserted without some kind of art hanging in them.
The inspiration for the first frames around pictures (decorative borders painted around wall paintings) was the same as our purpose today; to isolate and enhance images for enjoyable viewing. When art began to be created on portable materials, such as wood panels, canvas, and eventually paper, frames became portable, independent units as well. Over time, various framing practices became established, and picture framing developed into a profession, with specialized tools and materials.
DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Framing
Years ago, creating professional looking picture framing at home was a complicated effort requiring a carpentry workshop, and good materials were not easy to find. Local craft and hobby stores had little to offer the home framer; just a small selection of premade mats and ordinary frames. Today, the situation is quite different. With the wide variety of tools and materials available at local stores and on the Internet, the do-it-yourself framer can complete fashionable, high-quality picture framing in a fairly small work area without a lot of fancy equipment.
People are attracted to framing for a variety of reasons. Some are artists, needle workers, or photographers who want to frame their own work. Some are woodworkers interested in exploring a new craft. Many are simply creative people who own artwork that needs to be framed, and are looking for a hands-on way to get the look they really want.
No Experience Required
No prior experience is needed to learn picture framing. The workspace needed is not large, and the necessary equipment ranges from a few hand tools to a complete workshop, depending on the interest of the framer. Some basic skills are required, such as dexterity and a steady hand, but a willingness to learn and practice is probably the most important ability.
Is DIY Framing an Economical Way to Frame Pictures?
Yes, it certainly can be. Like any hobby, picture framing may be done with the simplest materials and tools, or with the most elaborate. Usually, it is best to start with simple versions to give the craft a try before going to greater expense. Although some people prefer to invest in good equipment right from the start, convinced that this is the path to a better-finished product with less frustration. Which approach is best, depends on personal work style, budget, and the amount of framing anticipated.
Parts of a Frame Job
The frame is the outer border and an important decorative element; it also holds the framing package together. Glazing is a sheet of glass or plastic installed in the face of the frame to protect the artwork. A mat surrounds and supports the artwork, and it is an important decorative element; it also keeps the artwork from touching the glazing.

Matting is one of the most important components in framing. The mat serves as a break or a resting space between the artwork and the frame. More importantly, it protects the artwork from coming into contact with the glazing, which can damage your artwork. All of the mat boards used at All Custom Framing at Wholesale are of archival quality, acid-free, and lignin free. This means they will not cause damage to your artwork by becoming acidic. We have over 200 mats to choose from, including colored, textured, and fabric mats. We also offer a selection of 100 % cotton rag museum mats in a variety of colors. These are great for photography, as well as signed and numbered limited edition prints.
How to determine Mat Width?
The mat width is determined by the artwork and the golden ratio. The golden ratio is a mathematical equation that helps find a visually ideal proportion in framing. Often we think a small mat width is what we want but actually we need a larger width to help make the frame design more pleasing to the eye. And in turn it will be more pleasing in your home.
Choosing the Right Moulding
The next step is to choose the right moulding that will complement both the artwork and the room around it. Our custom Framing certified framers will help you through a selection of over hundreds of handmade mouldings to find the perfect fit. Feel free to ask questions or inspect the samples by touching them. We welcome our customers to see the quality for themselves or you can order confidently.
The most important part of custom framing is the glazing or glass. UV or ultraviolet light over time will cause irreparable damage that will fade or distort the color of your artwork. We use maximum UV-blocking glazings for all of our custom framings. We also offer museum glass which has that same UV-blocking protection but also offers reduced glaring, making it nearly invisible to the viewer.
Dust Cover and Hangers
The dust cover protects the contents of the frame and makes an attractive finish. The hanging hardware provides a means for hanging the art on the wall. Bumper pads help keep the frame in place on the wall and protect the wall from scratches made by the frame. The backing board stabilizes the art and supports the art and mats. The filler board fills excess space in the frame and provides additional support.
Our attention to detail even extends to the back of your frame. Each custom frame project includes an acid-free dust cover on the back, as well as hangers needed to mount it. Rest assured at Custom Framing Wholesale, we are doing everything to protect your artwork from beginning to end, so you can enjoy it for years to come.
The Goals of Picture Framing
When a DIY framer decides to frame a picture, it may be to fill a space on a wall, create a gift for a friend, or bring out a color to coordinate and complement room décor. Regardless of the reason for doing it, picture framing serves two important purposes for the art and objects it holds; protection and presentation. Framing provides a protective display package while also presenting art in an attractive design of color and style. A framer should consider both goals when choosing materials and methods for framing each piece of art. Which purpose deserves the most priority? The answer may be different for different projects, and the decision usually belongs to the owner of the artwork that will be framed. In most cases, it is possible to achieve the best of both worlds, producing framing that is as protective of the art as possible while also creating a pleasing visual design that suits the environment in which it will be displayed.